"Parenthood is about raising and celebrating the child you have, 不是你想要的那个孩子. It’s about understanding that they are exactly the person they are supposed to be. 这, 如果你幸运的话, they just might be the teacher who turns you into the person you are supposed to be.”
To continue this conversation at home we suggest the following resources:
多样性、股票 & 包容
资源从 美国公共电视台 on how to honor 土著人民日 (also includes great resources for Teachers)
美国公共电视台儿童视频 e世博esball节日
书-《我们是水的保护者》 大声朗读
说出来 反对种族主义 e世博esball新型冠状病毒
[Article] The spread of the new coronavirus has become racialized, so it’s critical to understand the historical context and confront racist tropes and xenophobia. 为正义而学习. 阅读更多.
- 教学宽容杂志 (弹簧问题)
- 经历仇恨时要考虑的5件事
- 《e世博esball》
How can you make a difference to curtail racism and injustice?
Conversations with children about racism and injustice can be very challenging. Here you will find developmentally appropriate strategies, 取决于你孩子的年龄, for engaging in a healthy dialogue about diversity, 股本 & 包容.
和你的孩子交谈 e世博esball同情和宽容
- Resources for Talking to Kids e世博esball Race and Racism 通过教导宽容
- 与孩子谈论种族偏见 由HealthyChildren.org
- Resilience: Uplifting Youth Through Healthy Communication e世博esball Race 美国心理学会
- Resources for Talking about Race, Racism and Racial Violence with Kids 种族平等教育中心
- 理解种族和特权 by National Association of School Psychologists
一起阅读书籍和文章 as a family to support conversations on race, racism, and resistance
培养有种族意识的孩子: a resource for talking about race with young children
种族事件后与孩子交谈 by Howard Stevenson, a clinical psychologist at Penn GSE
How Should Teachers and Parents Talk to Kids about Police Violence? 摘自《e世博esball官网》
Having the Talk: Expert Guidance on Preparing Kids for Police Interactions 从美国国家公共电台
与幼儿谈话竞赛 从美国国家公共电台
如何与孩子谈论种族和种族主义 来自家长工具包
与孩子谈论种族问题 摘自国家地理
Reminders for White Parents Talking to Their Kids about Police Killing Black People 从是的!
My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies 作者:Resmaa Menakem
不是我的主意 阿纳斯塔西娅·希金波坦著
我们镇上发生了一件事 by Marianne Celano, Marietta Collins and Ann Hazzard
有意识的孩子网站 is worth a look for literature geared toward younger students and includes resources, interviews with authors and perspective taking on topics of racism and police brutality.
的集合 反种族主义资源 《e世博esball》给父母的.
A 一位小学老师的短视频 (probably 1st grade) on how she talks to children about protests and the #blacklivesmatter movement in a developmentally appropriate way.
乔治•弗洛伊德. Ahmaud Arbery. Breonna泰勒. 我们该告诉孩子什么? 摘自《e世博esball》
10 tips for teaching and talking to kids about race 出自《e世博esball官网》
与孩子谈论种族偏见 《e世博esball》
How to Talk to Kids e世博esball Tragedies in the Media 来自儿童发展研究所.
How to Talk to Your Children e世博esball Protests and Racism 从美国有线电视新闻网
- Author Jason Reynolds helps young people understand what led to the protests we’ve seen over the past week and what children can do to build a less racist society.
- 11部直面美国种族主义的电影 - Films that challenge and rewire the imagination (from Vox)
Sea Crest School is nonsectarian in its programs, 入学政策, employment practices and all other operations. 我们没有种族歧视, color, 宗教, 公民身份, 民族或民族出身的性别, 性取向, or gender identification in the administration of our educational policies, 入学政策, tuition assistance programs and athletic or other school-administered programs.
如何和孩子谈论新闻 《e世博esball》
Talking to Children e世博esball Violence: Tips for Parents and Teachers by The National Association of School Psychologists
当坏事发生时 通过教导宽容
向我们的孩子解释新闻 常识媒体
当新闻是可怕的时候,该对孩子说什么 在美国公共电视台
2024年1月9日, the California Department of Public Health updated its COVID-19 隔离指导 to make the response more consistent with that of the flu and other seasonal respiratory illnesses. 海冠已经更新了它的 COVID-19协议 为了反映这一变化如下: |
If a student or employee tests positive for COVID-19, and they have:
其他参考资料: CDPH分离Q&A (1/9/24) CalOSHA字幕新闻 (1/9/24) CalOSHA常见问题解答 (1/9/24) |
Sea Crest很高兴能与 TechaBee, an education technology company located in Davis, CA, 来支持我们的技术项目, 从网络设置, 设备管理和技术规划. They are a technology support resource for our families as well!
如果你的学生登录有困难, 参与在线学习, or complete an assignment because of a technology hurdle, 他们的支持团队在这里提供帮助!
请随时联系 help@techabee.com如有任何需要,请拨打(925)494-2101!
Taarika基金会 is a 501(c)(3) non-profit mental health organization that focuses on mental health in children and adolescents.
与他们的播客- “正念,美丽,繁荣” 以及他们的新Youtube频道 “全面支持孩子” (launched on World Mental Health Day- October, 10th 2020), they hope to raise awareness about mental health in children and adolescents.
Leena一. Khanzode医学博士, 是塔里卡基金会的主席, 硅谷精神病学主任, 有限责任公司, 兼职讲师, and Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Stanford University.